You usually take a blank map and use colour for the important areas. Thus, make sure that you maintain brevity and highlight only the points that you want your audience to remember even after the presentation. Immersion Fall 2008 Final Presentation. item details (5 Editable Slides) Applications Supported: PowerPoint, Google Slides. If these do not suffice or do not give a professional feel, there are a number of resources online from where you can source royalty-free images. Squeezed together, the circles also show a holistic viewpoint. Particularly in a quantitative study, the results section is for revisiting your hypotheses and reporting whether or not your results supported them, and the statistical significance of the results. Do you need to present web analytics? Starting Strong 5. Furthermore, include any additional observations and key points that you may have had which were previously not covered. To help get you on the right path, we are going to cover 5 smart tips on how to present data effectively in your next PowerPoint presentation. Make it not boring. There are many pre-build templates for you to choose in Canva. Discuss: You should more often than not keep a 'discussion' part in . ( a) Western cultures ; (b) Chinese cultures and (c) Other cultures. As you have seen throughout this book, in communication studies, there are a number of different types of research methods. Your findings should be in response to the problem presented (as defined by the research questions) and should be the "solution" or "answer" to those questions. It can be defined as a process that compares actual performance or results with what was expected or desired. As you may have noticed, academic writing does have a language (e.g., words like heuristic vocabulary and hypotheses) and style (e.g., literature reviews) all its own. Ideally no more than 6-8 factors should be listed under each of these headings. Images and words have long existed on the printed page of manuscripts, yet, until recently, relatively few researchers possessed the resources to effectively combine images combined with words (Tufte, 1990, 1983). Their popularity comes from being able to show a trend over time. In order to present the qualitative research findings using PowerPoint, you need to create a robust structure for your presentation, make it engaging and visually appealing, present the patterns with explanations for it and highlight the conclusion of your research findings. use columns and enrich them graphically. I admit, making any presentation can be a tough ask let alone making a presentation for showcasing qualitative research findings. Present Focus Group Findings to Management. Use the pre-designed layout to begin your presentation. I love balancing the creative mind with need to produce value adding results. At times, the data trend may be re-iterating the common wisdom. They let you step out of the confines of PowerPoint and into a serious standard of design that spreads your message in a way consistent with your style. (The minutiae are for readers to find if they wish, not for listeners to struggle through.) Stick to a consistent colour scheme and design style. For a presentation to be effective, it is important that the presentation is not only well structured but also that it is well created and nicely delivered! Adding there design elements such as an icon of a bridge and a grey background for the textbox will make the slide more fresh and appealing to look at. The skillset that we need to learn is how we can source for better tools that can help us convey our message in the shortest time, without compromising on the quality of the message. You want to be as clear as possible in describing the decisions you made in designing your study, gathering and analyzing your data so that the reader can retrace your steps and understand how you came to the conclusions you formed. New York: W.W. Norton & Company. This chapter discusses how to present your results in writing, how to write accessibly, how to visualize data, and how to present your results in person. ATWD or FADC?. Performance Boost: Return on investment evaluation. Keep the Word document as a base to create your PowerPoint presentation. December, 2007 Highlight numbers in a different colour to text. PowerPoint Data Visualization Tip #1 - Mix and Match Looking at their slides, we love the way they mixed up their presentation of the data, using numbers on one side and a simple chart on the other. (The minutiae are for readers to find if they wish, not for listeners to struggle through.) For example, you may not be able to interpret the coefficients for statistical significance, or make sense of a complex structural equation. That study's author fortunately chose the title, "A boyfriend to die for: Edward Cullen as compensated psychopath in Stephanie Meyer'sTwilight," which is more precisely descriptive, and much more interesting (Merskin, 2011). You can add an associated icon to every stage e.g. Estimated number of photo-electrons per DOM. But it is also boring, and you are better than that! If Candidate Z sheds a tear, does it matter what the context is, or whether that candidate is a man or a woman? We definitely do not mean simple in the way that we refer to the PowerPoint default charts here. For example, some use icons of people when talking about population statistics. This section of your presentation can also showcase some pictures of the research being conducted. His images include a graph of thepeak times of the year for breakups(based on Facebook status updates), aradiation dosage chart, and someexperiments with the Google Ngram Viewer, which charts the appearance of keywords in millions of books over hundreds of years. Ultimately, try to stand out. It's common for analysts to feel they're not being heard by stakeholders, or that their analysis or recommendations never generate action. And try to make it link into the style or theme of your message or company. The University of Northern Iowa has a growing Special Collections Unit that includes digital images of every UNI Yearbook between 1905 and 1923 and audio files of UNI jazz band performances. File Type: .pptx, Google Slides. A poster presentation session at a conference, by David Eppstein (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons]. The page numbers for appendices are consecutive with the paper and reference list. Due to how fast-pace the world is changing, we do not have the time to spend time creating everything from scratch. The researcher provides rich details from her/his observations and interviews, with detailed quotations provided to illustrate the themes identified. What makes your data different from others? The qualitative results section also may be organized by research question, but usually is organized by themes which emerged from the data collected. In-depth Insight: Assessment of the gap between perception and reality. Try not to be tacky in your picture choices but select something high-quality and easy on the eyes. This certainly saves us lots of time! The visual miscellaneum. In the discussion section, the researcher gives an appraisal of the results. Add to Wish List. Truth Finally Revealed! Turabiansuggests an introduction of not more than three minutes, which should include these elements: As Turabian (2007) suggests, "Rehearse your introduction, not only to get it right, but to be able to look your audience in the eye as you give it. The structure of your Research Presentation not only makes it easier for you to create the document, it also makes it simple for the audience to understand what all will be covered in the presentation at the time of presenting it to your audience. Because critical/rhetorical research is much more descriptive, the subheadings in such a paper are often times not generic subheads like "literature review," but instead descriptive subheadings that apply to the topic at hand, as seen in the schematic below. (1997, p. 201). For example If the goal of your project is to gather the sentiments of a certain group of people for a particular product, you may need to measure their feelings. Making a Slide Presentation 6. The stages in this process are business, icons, planning, strategy, marketing. Tufte, E. R. (1983). The gap analysis process usually contains some form of those steps: Identification: profit margin too low by min. The importance of not distracting your audience brings us nicely to our final point. If you write text below a chart, keep it as minimalist as possible and highlight the key figures. I run a Presentation Design Agency. Yet many people use pie charts incorrectly by overpacking them. Educate your viewers with our Vertical Analysis presentation template, designed for PowerPoint and Google Slides, on the process of analyzing a company's financial statements and comparing them with the accounting information of other companies within the same/different industry to help determine their financial strength and . But in that case, at least create an original colour scheme. You will have little to no success with it. So if you have to present data, there are many ways to include images in an effective way that actually supports the readability of your information. Presenting data can actually be fun. Visualizing one's research is possible in multiple ways. When you have data like that, where the audience was allowed to choose more than one and your audience really only cares about a portion of the findings, a simple numerical presentation like this is the simplest and most effective. Your research question (30 seconds or less), An answer to "so what?" Analytics Vidhya is a community of Analytics and Data Science professionals. The article was designed to point out how dense academic jargon can sometimes mask sloppy thinking. Many Eyes, an open source data visualization tool (sponsored by IBM Research), says its goal "is to 'democratize' visualization and to enable a new social kind of data analysis" (IBM, 2011). In qualitative research, one might instead use interviews and observations. That kind of stuff is hard (and boring) to present using just text. There are definitely a lot of things to keep in mind when you are putting data into your slide, but it is all in the spirit of creating a great presentation: make it beautiful, clear, and interesting. When making a presentation on research outcomes, you are bound to present some data. So read ahead for more information about how to present data! However, if done originally, line charts can be striking and effective. Although this may be the last thing your write, make it one of the best things you write, because this may be the first thing your audience reads about the paper (and may be the only thing read if it is written badly). This checks all the boxes for us. Tableau has always been the worlds leading analytics platform. One powerful way to use images is by placing data over a picture. You can look down at notes later" (p. 125). Dr. Nada Dabbagh Dr. Kevin Clark. Faigley, L., George, D., Palchik, A., Selfe, C. (2004). Appendix A, Appendix B), with a second line of title describing what the appendix contains (e.g. Were they derived from a random sample or from a collection of anecdotes? Sometimes, the tradeoff in creating beautiful dashboard or infographics is time. Title: Capstone October 26, 2006 Author: karndt Last modified by: gjacobs Created Date: 10/23/2006 10:33:12 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) - A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on - id: 5a1bf4-YjYyY Title Slide Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion However, ensure that the data presented can be easily comprehended. Try different layouts, e.g. Major Question. Creating a good structure can be tricky for some. The columns can represent: To show all three states, you can try the layout of three columns. For critical/rhetorical research, the literature review often incorporates the description of the historical context and heuristic vocabulary, with key terms defined in this section of the paper. Give an introduction, tell them what the problem is, and map out what you will present to them. Community Foundations. It flows really nicely, and they make sense together, but it mixes up the style just enough to keep you engaged. Picturing texts. Corrective Actions: Allocation of necessary resources for changes implementation. SlideServe has a very huge collection of Analysis findings PowerPoint presentations. They will want to know when you expect to be able to make the changes you describe, and its better to have the answer laid out than to try to answer on the fly. Remember to use the important points and the highlighted quotes from the handouts or feedback forms. Graphs, Figures Images Visual Appeal Graphics & Illustrations You. Here is where the researcher considers the results, particularly in light of the literature review, and explains what the findings mean. Gap analysis is a business assessment methodology. It is easy to forget that there may be hidden learnings even in the outliers. Prepared for:. A conclusion may simply validate or nullify the objective. Participant Informed Consent, orNew York TimesSpeech Coverage). It is important to know which quotes to include in your presentation. Also, notice that there are only three data points on the slide. This set of slides is intended to provide community foundations with a template for presenting the findings of their cost-revenue analyses. A map is an easy reference point, and it is just as easy to see what they are trying to get across. Using the form of overlapping circles, you can quickly and easily see common features between separate ideas. Keep the presentation as minimalistic as possible. I use the following 3 criteria when selecting the quote . Get powerful tools for managing your contents. They jump out from a slide and give solid, simple information in both a visual and effective way. What we learn in research methods about validity, reliability, sampling, variables, research participants, epistemology, grounded theory, and rhetoric, we can consider whether the "knowledge" that is presented in the news is a verifiable fact, a sound argument, or just conjecture. My recommendation for high-quality royalty-free images would be either Unsplash or Pexels. Sokal, A. Commuter Rail. The only downside is that they often do not provide the perfect image that can be used. Does the correlation suggest a causal relationship, or is it merely a coincidence?" 5%, Investigation: Too low Gross Margin (34%) due to high production costs, Decision: Conduct process mapping to discover inefficiencies, Implementation: Eliminate, implement, standardize or automate processes in question, Analysis: Conduct half-year reviews on implemented changes, Improvement: Re-design processes that require correction. They'll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance - the kind of sophisticated look that today's audiences expect. Let it flow naturally when you are delivering the presentation. Present statistics in a visually interesting way using tables and graphs. You can easily compare with other sets of data. Venn diagrams are quite popular thanks to their simplicity. So use them to your advantage. But, in either case, it is good to begin with some kind of brief anecdote that gets the reader engaged in your work and lets the reader understand why this is an interesting topic. Numbers can literally speak volumes. They are also brilliant for comparison and open up an opportunity to be creative with colour. (Sokal, 1996. pp. Indicators can also show a progression or a target for the future. Do you feel like something is missing from their presentation? We may not have the luxury to spend hours in creating beautiful images in our infographics. IBM (2011). But who wants to present their survey the way everyone else is? Data can be hard-hitting, whereas a touching story can tickle the emotions of your audience on various levels! You need to find ways to present the data in a better way. But presenting data in PowerPoint in visual and effective ways take a lot more time and effort. Color weather maps have long been a standard feature of television weathercasts and in turn led to color-coded weather maps in daily newspapers. The background image helps a lotbecause it relates to their biggest finding, so it is relevant and creates interest. AEJMC. Provide key learnings from the data, highlight any outliers, and possible reasoning for it. Most important, she emphasizes, is to remember that your audience members are listeners, not readers. In a cross tabulation the information is presented in rows and columns. Caption your charts which descriptions of the meaning of the data. For mostconferencesandjournals, submissions are made online, where editors can manage the flow and assign reviews to papers. However, if we use the standard powerpoint elements (e.g. But why? How to Present Data in PowerPoint from Matt Hunter. These are the questions to which you want the answers to be clear. Sometimes the results section is combined with the discussion section. Summer. In those cases, just numbers are enough. Communication scholars are only now becoming aware of this dimension in research as computer technologies have made it possible for many people to produce and publish multimedia presentations. While it is important to identify patterns in the data and provide an adequate explanation for the pattern, it is equally important sometimes to highlight the outliers prominently. They draw people in so that the text becomes more attractive. Consider your presentation the beginning of a dialogue between you and the audience. A good way to overcome this challenge is to get a fresh perspective on your project and the presentation once it has been prepared. The methods of your paper are the processes that govern your research, where the researcher explains what s/he did to solve the problem. automation and digitization of processes, Identification: profit margin too low by min. As you read social scientific journals (see chapter 1 for examples), you will find that they tend to get into the research question quickly and succinctly. Use charts and tables to make dense data-rich presentations more engaging and easier to follow. If you really want to present data in visual and effective ways, you should go beyond the basic formats. After you completed your study, your findings will be listed in the results section. If the results didn't support the findings of previous studies, then the researcher should develop an explanation of why the study turned out this way. Did you benefit from the above examples or do you want more inspiration? Instead, the point of the presentation should be to present your research in an interesting manner so the listeners will want to read the whole thing. You can view or download Analysis findings presentations for your school assignment or business presentation. This research refers to those songs , repertoires of music appreciation and introduced musicians bearing cultures which identify them as. In general, laying these out before sharing the outcome can help your audience think from your perspective and look at the findings from the correct lens. Lets go through some slides examples from their survey presentation and discuss what they did right! Good or bad for business. Highlight the important stuff. The difference here is that the design is purposefully simple and clear, to enhance the presentation and make it easy to scan and get the key takeaways quickly. Critical/rhetorical studies methods are more about the interpretation of texts or the study of popular culture as communication. This especially applies if you have a ton of data to present (which is sometimes unavoidable) because bar chart after bar chart is going to put your audience to sleep. However, upon analyzing the outlier data points, you may get insight into how a few participants are doing things successfully despite not following the common knowledge. It is important to preserve and protect the identity of the participant. In creative communication research, the method may be an interpretive performance studies or filmmaking. McCandless, D. (2009). Keep it simple, but not mundane. Always use the past tense when describing your results, and follow a simple, logical order. The first step to presenting data is to understand that how you present data matters. By knowing your approach, the audience can be better prepared for the outcome of your project. Top 10 Data Visualizations of 2022 Worth Looking at! Tables and figures are referenced in the text, but included at the end of the study and numbered consecutively. 2012 BMAGIC Landscape Analysis Survey Findings. 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