This is the section where three pens must be unlocked in the dock area. Use the swing to get to the fifth column, by pressing towards the end of your forward swing. Build the gold Lego hook onto it, then use Dori to pull it, launching a chain up to the left balcony. From here you have three planks horizontal to each other, jump across them until you reach a plank that is lifted diagonally, walk to the top then along the plank in an Easterly direction. If only he can figure out how to leave him. Just next to this is also a new mission, "Breaking Camp", speak to the man here with and he will ask you to slay Orcs that he is fearful of, follow him back to Weathertops summit, and some generic Orcs will attack, kill 15 of these fiends to be given a Mithril Brick. In each of the main stages of the game, you can find 10 of them. To open the center pen, use Fili (Lake-town) on a dig spot on the right side of the yard to dig up the crank handle. Now to the timber crate, hit it West to East so it is stopped by column 2, then hit it South to North, West to East from a little square of the path you will need to jump to in order to hit it from the correct side, North to South, so it is stopped by column 1, hit it from West to East, and finally North to South so it slides next to the mission giver. If you are like me you will have less than 500 Carrots in your Loot. Grab the trowel leaning against the building and shovel all the fish into the boat. You can now make yourself even smaller by going to the Extras menu and selecting Red Brick 9 to On to have miniature characters. The flags can be destroyed in any order - this is one suggestion: Look for a goblin climb wall in the center of Dale, and use, From the Erebor statue, follow the stud trail to a tower structure. Press to open your map and in the top central area of the map to the right of Rivendell and just below the mountains is the High Pass, along the trail to the right is a question mark near the Over Hill and Under Hill level banner, the one that has a stone giant on it, the question mark is for the mission "Stone-not-so-Giants" choose this for your next place, then fast travel to the High Pass Eagle statue. Initially, we are just aiming to get the Mithril Bricks here, and create some characters to finish missions elsewhere. In the final area, behind the cracked dwarf plate behind where Bombur is tied up (center of area - upper left side). When you get through the Keep entrance there is a firepoint immediately to your left, you can burn this with Sam, but it only provides studs so not necessary this late in the game. The goal in this area is to open three pens. So they attack the platform and release the brick inside to collect. In last area, from right hand upper platform, use an elf to shoot the targets then twirl up to the schematic. Scarecrow - Hat = Scarecrow on the bottom row to the right of the chicken costing 1,500 studs; Body = Scarecrow on the bottom row, and first column buy for 2,000 studs; Legs = Scarecrow on the third row and to the right of the chicken costs 1,000 studs. Then on to round three and the next QTE battle, after you win the third QTE battle Azog's mother will retreat. Now, head towards the Carrock bridge, speak to the goblin here with , so they follow you and return back to the original quest giver. Avoid her attacks until she gets hit by a falling stalactite, then buddy-up with and attack her with to get rid of a heart. Left to right, they read noon, 3 oclock, six, nine and midnight. Open your map once more, below Dol Guldur to the left of a cave door, near the forest edge is a new red question mark, select the mission "Otherworldly Ambition" as your destination. Approach the other spider and do the same. At the very start of the last section (right after the Troll fight), use, In first area, use a dwarf to smash open cave on the right side revealing a chest. When the path splits, go north, and when the path splits again head west. Also, if you got the extra codes, Baby Smaug can destroy mythril as well. Lego The Hobbit. He asks for your help teaching the pignappers a lesson, so enter the cave next to you. Lego The Hobbit is rated PEGI 7 in Europe & ESRB E10+ in America for everyone 7 to 10 years or older. We can now use the Instruction platform inside the gazebo; spend the 50 Copper, 30 Iron, 20 Gold, 30 Emeralds and 50 Wood, so you can make the build. Then the final round, one last QTE battle, and she will retreat and you gain your brick. This will be available to select from red brick 32 in your Extras menu, but unless you are short of silver there is no need to set this to on either. You'll be . Complete the building minigame, thanks to which a catapult will appear here. Your task is to hit a crate of timber from the platforms to the woman. Tap again so you are Saruman once more and follow the path on this Western wall up, do not go up the stairway which is near the foot of this path, to the left of stone column piece you can shoot a magic bolt at the magic rock that is blocking the column from going along the rails, you may need to come a little down the path in order to get a shot off and hit the magic rock, but once the rail is clear tap once more so you are Dwalin and have him hit the stone column piece Northwards to the island. Go up to the platform and spend the 50 Iron, 50 Wood, 10 Rope and 20 Stone it requires, then build the ram and wall. Forge this for your next achievement. She will start charging at you, so try to get here to charge in the freestanding rocks like we did back in Trollshaws last mission, and when she stuns herself do another buddy-up attack. Now walk downwards so the ghost is destroyed and can finally rest in peace. We are going to head now to Dol Guldur, open your map and at the bottom to the right of centre is a large forested area, and Dol Guldur written downwards, with the Eagle statue we need near the 'g'. So the dials should be turned: right, left, top, right, left. Renfield, directed by Chris McKay, arrives in theaters on April 14, 2023. The ladder may try to force you up it, so jump diagonally between the ladder and light to get through, and talk to the child with then return to the mission giver with child in tow. Have the two characters carry the ladder forward, then climb up. So we will edit the chicken, scarecrow, peacock and dragon to the following: Stone-not-so-giant - Hat = Stone-giant on the bottom row and third from the right 1,500 studs; Body = Stone-giant on the bottom row and to the right of the dragon costing 2,000 studs; Legs = Stone-giant on the bottom row, to the right of the dragon to buy for 1,000 studs. This section starts at the beginning of the chapter and concludes after all five pieces of weaponry/armour have been collected. At the T turn left, then look right at the end. All Collectibles locations (even those accessible in the Story Mode playthrough) are detailed in the Free Play walkthrough farther down the page. Speak to the woman who asks for a Yodelling Shield, which we already have in our possession from our previous adventures. Pick the key up with a press of and look to the Northeast, you will see a series of small platforms on the water, jump across these platforms quickly until you reach a large stone platform with a lock on it; if you are not quick enough the small platforms will sink. After the cut scene, battle and defeat six orcs, then battle the large orc. As we are so far away the guide studs try to take us a long way round, for now walk South to the bridge we opened up earlier with our slingshot, and the drop off the bridge to the East, this saves us going all the way back and down unnecessary paths. Open your map and choose the last mission in Erebor "The Dragonslayer" to the right of the eagle statue, then use the Eagles to fast travel there. Play to test if everything is correct. Open your map, and you will be near the end of a path before it splits in two directions, along the right path is a character tile for "Narzug", set him as your destination, and follow the guide studs to him, he wanders this path and will attack when you approach, hit him a few times with until he stops, then press so you can buy him for 45,000 studs. Leave the maze and this cave again and go back to the Courtyard. Approach either spider and attack it, then keep tapping the prompted button to hurt one heart from their life. Get back into the boat and head back to the gate, which will now open, launching the start of the chapter. In your map is a mission marker just above the Flies and Spiders level banner, choose the "Horse and Carrot" mission as your next destination, and follow the guide studs there. Ent - Hat = Ent on the bottom row to the left of the Goblin and right of the stone-giant 1,500 studs; Body = Ent on the bottom row to the left of the Goblin and right of the stone-giant 2,000 studs; Legs = Ent on the bottom row to the left of the Goblin and right of the stone-giant buy it for 1,000 studs, while here also buy the Gorilla legs which are the last able to be bought on the third row between the Orc and Chicken legs yours for 1,000 studs, but switch back to the Ent legs before finishing your edit. By a cave door is a female Elf in green, speak to her and she asks you join her in battle. Open your map, and choose the next mission, it is East of the campsite, and to the North of your current position, "Bats Entertainment" can be reached by going into the cave door on the first landing, so follow the guide studs there, inside is an Elf who has heard stories of giant bats, no sooner does he finish explaining you will be set upon by a swarm of the things, destroy 30 bats to complete this mission. The guide studs will lead to a building door, so go inside to be confronted by a floor puzzle with spears. Fast travel back to Bree, and visit the Blacksmith again, we are going to forge one thing this time, to finish what we can of daytime missions. All Lego games come with many characters to collect, but The Hobbit only has 98. Speak to the Goblin with , he thinks a Crystal Goblin Crown will make him King, you will pass it from your collection. Get in the catapult, then switch to another character and have them hit the level on the left side to launch the catapult. The Mithril Skeleton Crank is on the top row, and fourth column from the right, costing 7 Mithril Bricks, 10 Meat, 20 Wood, and 25 Gold it should be affordable. The power cells are presented below in the chronological order they can be obtained in during the main quest line. The Ancient Armory can be found in an undergrond bunker east of Mother's Rise, the entrance of which is next to what seems to be the ruins of an old radio tower. Use the stepping stones to cross the water and get on the boat. Moor up here again with a when you get the prompt, a Mithril chest is on the top of a stone column, so change your character to Saruman, and fire a magic blast at the chest with , to reveal the brick. Use, From the Lake-town statue, follow the stud trail to a door and go through. When you are alongside the Northern point of the jetty you should get the option to disembark with a tap of , do so to ensure your boat is moored, otherwise it may cause problems involving you needing to fast travel back to Lake-town to spawn another boat, on the jetty in front of you is a ladder with Percy on top of a column to the left of your screen. Leave the area and open your map again, this time select the other Troll character token as your destination "William (Troll)", go back to the other side of the water, and you can follow the guide studs North across mushrooms and fallen log bridges, to a cave door in a large tree. The next mission is a bit of a walk away but it has no nearby Eagle statues, so we will just have to go over hill and onto path to reach it. Buy the dropped red brick for 50,000 studs. This Mithril Brick is your next destination, go back to the Erebor side of the shore, and follow the guide studs to what appears to have been a river bed at one time, keep following the guide studs ever further South, under the large bridge and along a cliff path. Ensure both your characters are now Dwarfs, then use the new step, smash the rock on the large platform, then buddy them together by pressing when they are next to each other then jump on top of the large platform. Key Features: Explore all of the open-world of Middle-earth and experience epic battles with Orcs, Uruk-hai, the Balrog, the Witch-king, and other fearsome creatures. With the Mithril Brick collected go back outside. Press to open your map, and look between Dol Guldur and Beorn's Homestead for a thin trail with a mission near an Eagle statue, choose "More Bunny than Sense" as your destination, and fast travel using the Radagast's House Eagle statue. Jump North towards another plank that is lifted and follow it up, finally jump to the platform that Percy is on and speak to him with then purchase him for 10,000 studs. Now for the other mission, just over a cave entrance is "The Speeder", set as you destination and follow the guide studs around the water to the cave entrance. Walk up into the cave door, in this area are a couple of Mithril statues you can destroy with Saruman for some Mithril loot, and sometimes precious rocks that can be mined with Bofur; but then speak to the Dwarf in the centre who wants aid in rebuilding the armoury. Map time again, North of the 'E' of Esgaroth is a character token for "Alfrid" set this as the next destination, and steer the boat to another jetty. The Troll Bouncer is attacking some club goers, so attack the ones he does so he eventually sits quietly, and then approach him and speak to him so you can spend the 15,000 studs to buy him. You will be near the bottom of the Carrock now. Avoid her. Change to Radagast, then go up to the mole and heal it with for it to dig a brick for you in thanks. Climb up it and plant a flower to produce the Jumping Pads. Dock the boat just right to launch a cut scene. If you have followed this guide you will have one last mission to finish so lets get on with it. The next boss wave will begin, two large spiders will attack. To access the Blacksmith's Shop, the Smithy In Peril quest must be completed. Return to the lab and use the power cells to complete the circuit, then unlock the clamps by setting the dials. Open your map yet again, and select the other mission that is on Caradhras "Everyone Loves Gorillas", this is actually above the Eagle statue so the guide stud gets confused when we are to close, but as we have a little distance the studs will show us the way up the mountain. Pause the game, select the "Extras" option, and choose the "Enter Code" selection. Open your map again and fast travel to the Hobbiton Eagle statue, then set your destination as the character token to your North for "Rosie Cotton" and follow the guide studs across the bridge and into the party clearing, then Rosie's home and go inside the door once it opens. The riddle 'Alive Without Breath, As Cold As Death, Never Thirsty, Always Drinking, All in Mail, never clinking' has an answer of a Fish. To the right side of the level you have reached is a Dwarf, speak to him with , he boasts of his strength and feels he can wield a Mithril Warhammer, which you give him straight away. But now, after centuries of servitude, Renfield is finally ready to see if theres a life away from The Prince of Darkness. Definitely, the most common type of collectibles are the minikits. Press to come off the ballista, and drop back down to the town below the tower. He asks for an item already in our collection, so we quickly give him a Pine Cone Bomb, and can move on. Leave her home. So as Bilbo equip the Ring, and approach the Speeder then hit it with to start a small QTE battle. Switch to your second character so Bilbo stays in Wraith mode, and kill the spiders, then once the Speeder returns tap to go back to Bilbo in Wraith mode, and attack the boss again and do another QTE battle. This will leave only one more design to forge, but we need a little more Mithril Bricks to allow us to finish. When you reach the top there is a small party of Orcs, speak to them with and they will think you are their missing comrade, and go hunting with you. There is a final checkpoint to jump towards, which will earn you the brick. If you remember the man wearing blue near the entrance of the keep, he gives the mission "The Ghost of the Dwarf King", change back to Sauron now go back and speak to the man in blue with . The female Orc will thank you with a Mithril Brick. Talk to him and he likes the look of the Tornado Axe, as it's already forged we gift it to him, and in appreciation we get another red brick to buy, this one costs 750,000 studs. Each Story Mode/Free Play Level has one schematic to find (most only available in Free Play) and additional schematics can be found throughout the Hub World. Use Ori to shoot the target on the gate on the upper right. An Elf in blue is waiting for you so speak to him with . With the highest series of planks above you and to your right, steer the boat West towards the edge of the lake, once you are South and in line with the 'S' of Esgaroth look North for another jetty hidden behind the broken walls. Once inside the Blacksmith Shop, choose an available item to forge. The video shows the locations of all Quest Items, Treasure Items, Mithril Treasure Items, Minikits and Schematics.GAME OVERVIEW:With the interactive game of LEGO The Hobbit, gamers will play along with their favorite scenes from the films, following Bilbo Baggins as he is recruited by Gandalf to aid Thorin Oakenshield and his company of Dwarves. Fast travel or walk back to the Dol Guldur Eagle statue, and open your map with so we can choose our next task. Stack Bifur, Nori, and Oin onto the plate, then use another character to climb over and launch a cut scene. This mission "What Goes Around" is by the East side of the gazebo where the Dwarf husband from Ghost Town was, so jump off the Keep back to the ground and walk in that direction following your mini-map. The goblin troop is complete, you get a brick as a reward, but also punished as their verse is sung. Your next destination, would look like it should be part of Dale, when looking at Dale to the South there is a path line that leads East and a Mithril Brick on the shore by the large lake. On the bottom row and fourth column from the left is the Mithril Snowapult, use the 7 Mithril Bricks, 20 Sapphires, and 20 Silver needed to start. This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. All of her hard work and she gets a tea break and we get another brick. From the maze entrance walk right until the ghost is underneath the single block in the area, then walk to the top, the ghost will be stuck walking into the block so will not go as far as you. She will then give you a mithril brick. This game includes Cartoon Violence, Comic Mischief. Speak to the man here, this time he has heard of Ents and wants to be sure of their existence. To forge a Mithril Treasure Item, that item's Schematic, or "Blacksmith Design", must first be found. Follow the Orcs to the bottom of Weathertop and you will have some precious rocks you can mine with Bofur. Completing this side quest will unlock the powerful Shield Weaver armor, which renders Aloy nearly invincible for a time while wearing it. Swap to your second character who should still be Saruman, and fire a magic blast at the Mithril boulder piles on the Northwest edge of this little island until both are destroyed, once the rail section is clear tap to swap back to Dwalin, and have him hit the stone column here from it's Northwest side to Southeast and towards the centre of the island. Keep attacking the skeletons until you can reach her, then speak to her with , she will follow you now. First, you must open the door. Rumors of the rise of an ancient Evil have brought Gandalf The Grey and Radagast to investigate the fortress ruins of Dol Guldur. There is now a Dwarf here who is also a Red brick mission "The Art of Combat", from where you land walk North and you will come across him, he is a little more North than the bonus level banner. When you force her retreat a second time, you will get further Orcs to kill, this time 7 basic Orcs, 2 Silver, 1 Gold and 3 Green Helmet Orcs need to be dispatched. In your map there is one last major hub of missions, in the lake of Esgaroth is Lake-town. In this modern tale focusing on Draculas loyal servant, Renfield (Hoult) is the tortured aide to historys most narcissistic boss, Dracula (Cage). Directly South of your position are two missions, choose the one that is most West on the edge of town "Sunken Spirits", walk back across both the tightropes, until you are on a platform which has the plank path going off at a diagonal to the platform, from here drop to the ground, there is little space to fall before this and it is slightly easier to get to the floor here than other places, if you head West from here the guide stud trail will reappear so you can follow it to the mission giver. You will see the ghostly shade of the brick in front of you, there are eight Morgul shadowed cages to smash, you have just under 15 seconds to get and destroy each of them. Avatar: The Way of Water Holds Off an Impressive $30.2 Million Debut by M3GAN, How to Build a Decoder in Minecraft (Ft. WildEngineering), New Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet (Gen 9), In dock/animal pen area, look for brown tinder plate in between 2 pens on the right side. Have a wizard hit this and a vine will come down that you can climb to get up into the tree tops. When you are in the trees, go to the left hand side and destroy all the objects here. Change to your scarecrow character and speak with him again and you will inspire him and complete another mission. Use, From the Rivendell statue, follow the stud trail through Rivendell and down to the dock. Note - The bonus level becomes available ONLY after you have complete d the entire storyline, i.e. The Hobbit: Just the first two films, but they had the 3rd planed as dlc Jurassic World: Still continuing and coming soon is a 6th. Once all the items have been collected, a cut scene will launch. While you are on a stable land change your character to an Elf, as they will be useful for the next bits and traversing the planks and rope lines coming up. If you would like to use a check list to keep track of what cells you've found, refer to Power Cell Locations please. We've made thousands of LEGO instruction booklets available online. It starts either when you find your first power cell, or the secret bunker holding the Ultraweave armor. This creates a new mission on the map, and we will get there soon enough. Rebuilding the Anicent Armoury of Erebor. Change Saruman to Bilbo, and have Bilbo use the fishing point with , do the QTE game here to pull up a key. Back to the map, and in Lake-town is a mission "The Lost Fireflies" set this as your destination and fast travel to the Lake-town Eagle statue. We are going for another character now, but the guide studs are no help in reaching him. There is one minstrel near the Braga character token to the East of the town, either follow the guide studs to the minstrel or you can take a cheeky double jump from the end of the pier near the doorway to get across. Avatar: The Way of Water Holds Off an Impressive $30.2 Million Debut by M3GAN, How to Build a Decoder in Minecraft (Ft. WildEngineering), New Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet (Gen 9). Outside, you seem to be on top of another mission, it is actually above you, but select "Crown in the Dumps" and as always follow the guide studs to it. In the first area, bust up the front of the barrel with the gold tap, on the left side, to reveal a silver Mithril layer. Lets get on with it shoot the targets then twirl up to the man,! Tapping the prompted button to hurt one heart from their life can find 10 of them fishing point,! In Europe & amp ; ESRB E10+ in America for everyone 7 to 10 or. And plant a flower to produce the Jumping Pads trail through Rivendell and down to the of... Go inside to be confronted by a floor puzzle with spears the fish into the and. Scene, battle and defeat six orcs, then use Dori to pull it, a! Goblin troop is complete, you get a brick for you in thanks with, she will retreat can... In theaters on April 14, 2023 Bricks to allow us to finish all Collectibles locations ( even accessible. 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