After speaking her with mom and Josie, Lizzie interrupts Hope's and Alaric's conversation with a decision. She returned earlier and had to take a 3-hour shuttle ride. As Lizzie is ranting Josie reminds her to calm down. She cares so little about everything that she has been reckless. What coven is Lizzie and Josie from? However, it's not quite what Lizzie expected. She agrees with the others to explain the situation in Dana about transition, but she refuses to be part of her group if she joins the school. In Follow the Sound of My Voice, Lizzie and Hope come upon a carnival. Josie doesn't want Lizzie's help, determined to fix it the regular way and without any magic. After more than three seasons, Legacies finally solved the problem of Lizzie and Josie's Merge with a loophole first introduced in The Vampire Diaries. Did Hope turn Josie into a vampire? In You Will Remember Me, Lizzie bursts into Josie's room, claiming to MG, Cleo, and Finch that she's fine. Hope is surprised that she missed, removes the stake and turns to finish it herself, though Lizzie meant to do that, which means she broke the sire bond. Lizzie quips back that if Salvatore's Got No Talent is their best shot, then they're in major trouble. Hope is too concerned with the possibility of someone else finding them and all she wants is to be left alone. The spell to wake them up never existed. Lizzie explains that she and Aurora had a bit of a falling out and asks if she'd like to join her. Arriving at the site where Hope intends to perform the spell, she stops Hope from giving Josie back her coin where she's stored her siphoning power. The reason for the sarcophaguses. If the school closes, some of the other students won't have anywhere to go. It would be quite difficult for a narrative to hold its own in an episode where Kai Parker returns, but Sebastian and Lizzie's probably tragic meeting does quite well. Let's start with. Lizzie has an ornate box and passes it to Hope through the cell. They eventually evade him, and they talk about why Hope isn't revealing herself to the world. She explains that for the longest time, she thought she was dying in the Merge. Hope steps out of the sarcophagus, telling her it worked. It's odd, because it's meant to be empty, but Josie explains that Hope came to the school and trapped her within. On the bright side of things this will give them the time to talk about why he's mad at her. Lizzie believes to have a handle on her powers just as well as Hope does; her mother is even a vampire, she reminds her. Meanwhile, Lizzie and Josie standby and watch over the pair should their plan backfire. Aurora's only hesitation is what to do with the key once they have it. Turns out she's already met "Vulcan", and they can start by finding her. She's only ever told one person that story and knows that Ben must be free from Malivore and asks where he is. He leaves the game shortly after, however and she follows in pursuit. They've set up a meal at the Old Mill to spend Hope's last day alive together. That night, she, Josie, and Hope begin to suffer the effects of the psychotropic drug and begin to hallucinate. They come to another memory, or a nightmare of Josie's. Her existence was revealed in Let Her Go by Kai, the babies' uncle. Lizzie dismisses the question, believing that she's a wimp all of a sudden. All they have to do now is watch it slowly fade away. There's a burning hole in the balcony doors, the room is partially destroyed and Hope is gone. She tries not to reveal Hope's secret, however things are difficult, especially when Landon reveals that he and Josie did not have sex. Eventually, Andi's death raises a creature from the depths of the crater in a towering burst of fire. He assures her that he will find Josette and will kill the bloodsuckers. MG continues that they can't offer an explanation until they talk to him about it first. He bets that Alaric has booze at the Salvatore School and suggests they head back over. Lizzie confesses that MG's gotten to her as well. Lucky for her, she knew all the words, otherwise, she probably wouldn't have. The kind that is soft and builds on mutual respect, that grows over time. She breaks the basket handle off, a wooden stake, and threatens Lizzie. He wishes there was a less dangerous way, but he doesn't see one, nor is there another, closer, celestial event that will give them more time to prepare. It's a suspicious person. She explains that she can't hold the god magic for much longer and the meadow is going to explode. She really hopes that she finds Peace. He was just thinking, instead of waiting, maybe they could have that father-daughter dance now, just in case. Alaric is Lizzie's biological father and Caroline is Lizzie's mother, but not her biological mother. Yet, in Legacies, all three are presented as classmates of the same age. She is later seen with the ascendant as it fractures, signaling that the Prison World is no longer. She runs and hides in a classroom as Finch stalks her, but MG appears and lures her away. Lizzie's love interest on Legacies is Sebastian, a suave vampire from a different time. Aurora comments on how dreadful the slushy is, yet continues to drink it. Hope whips the transfusion braid around the dybbuk's hand and performs the transfusion ritual, transferring the dybbuk out of Ryan, saving him. If Hope was here right now, she'd kill her. MG gathers Lizzie and Alaric for a meeting. She confesses that when he died, a part of her felt like there was no one left in her life who would want to help her sort them all out. He tips his hat to her and rides off into the night leaving her. Parroting Alaric's earlier comment to her, Hope poses the same answer, explaining that she's maybe afraid of getting an answer. Andi refuses to give out that information as it's privileged only to blue crystal witches. Later, when Lizzie had found out long since it happened that she lost the student council election, she goes to the school's gym to try and blow off some steam. Episode Count She follows him to the basement of the Salvatore School, where he warns her to keep away from him. She never thought there was a point to thinking about the future. He's happy, by all accounts. Cracks of thunder ring out as Ken, though badly wounded, emerges from the smoke. Leaving Lizzie alone, Aurora vamps away. Lizzie tells them they're indisposed while Hope commands him not to leave. Hope plans to use the planetary transit occurring the same night to enter the prison world to cast a locator spell for Landon. She tells Josie that she has learned of a magical object, the ascendant but does not know much about it, other than it could perhaps have something to do with the Merge. Please be kind and respectful. The werewolves are in the tunnels and all exits are sealed, except for this one. Andi explained that she experienced the drug first hand and knew it would be easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar. Hope points out that she wanted to kill her, only for Lizzie to remind her that she actually did kill her and put her father into a coma. Alaric refuses. Finch remains by Josie's bedside in case she wakes up. Outside the motel room, Lizzie tells Hope that there's nothing good about what she's doing. Currently, Alaric is the only one raising Lizzie extensively due to Caroline's travels. He believes he's let her down and pleads with her to forgive him. It was also revealed that Caroline Forbes is currently pregnant with the twins. Someplace Far Away From All This Violence, Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found, I Wouldn't Be Standing Here If It Weren't For You, By the End of This, You'll Know Who You Were Meant to Be, The Boy Who Still Has a Lot of Good to Do,,, Wonder Twins, Little Munchkins, Little Squirt, Prison World Astral Projection Reversal Spell. Jen works at her metal shop, Torch 'n Toke, until she's greeted by Lizzie. Lizzie packs a bag as MG knocks on her door. Similar to Emma's therapy sessions, Hope mimics Emma asking why she might do that. Hope, however, has gone through the trouble of creating a dark object. Eventually, their mutual respect for one another weakens the gremlin to the point where Hope can step on it. Lizzie and Josie are at the hospital, the former an emotional wreck. Lizzie assumes then it was because Hope actually killed her and she lied to him about it, though again, that's not it and she was sire bonded to Hope. He tells her he has some bad news concerning her father. With Malivore dead, wherever Ben is, she believes he's there for eternity. Landon is free and has returned. She attempts to flirt with him at a school sports game, but he immediately turns her down, which shocks and angers Lizzie, which later causes her to go into a fit of rage and makes her believe that she's broken. She only saw how she was slighted instead of being happy for her sister. Aurora already knows how to fix their problem if Lizzie agrees to her terms. Lizzie is concerned and asked how their father is doing given he has lost his position as headmaster. She throws Penelope against the banister, knocking her out and Josie begins to form a fireball but Lizzie grabs her arms and siphons the magic from her. Upon awakening, her desire to kill Hope is amplified, even toying with her in the Chambre de Chasse for fun. MG admits that it's better late than never and wonders where they go from here. Tipping the argument, she tells Lizzie that the worst version of her is just her. Hope, hazarding a guess, believes she's a god. So yes, it seems like Lizzie somehow turned into a vampire, which has major significance beyond just the mysteriousness of how it happened. In Facing Darkness is Kinda My Thing, Lizzie masquerades as Hope in a bid to plan her own funeral, despite initial reluctance from her father. With the talent show over, Lizzie, Josie, and Alaric talk. Sebastian told Lizzie's father Alaric that he could control Lizzie's mind. She hasn't killed anyone that she's cared about. Alaric will go to the abandoned train station, alone and face the townies to rescue Hope. Though Lizzie is less enthusiastic, Hope decides to use this opportunity to make sure she can handle her new vampire powers. Lizzie attempts to sway her go unheard and does as she commands. Before Klaus could get a chance to talk to them better, Alaric shoots him with an arrow through the chest, leaving the twins looking at what happened. Ultimately, she can't be the one to stop her. What deal did Kaleb make with Malivore? Lizzie becomes bereft when she realizes that she cannot siphon the magic from the bullet, but is happy when Hope's blood is revealed as the cure for the bullet. Andi is the last to remain and she, Josie, and Hope confront her. She shows signs of mood swings, self-absorption, and over-possessiveness. In her defense, the latter part turned out okay as they've returned Landon from the prison world. Hope walks up behind them, instructing them to get them to safety. Why Lizzie becomes a vampire? Lizzie, however, believes she knows how to fix her, though Aurora mentions that Tristan tried "fixing" her where a doctor or a monk would stick her in ice baths or cut her open, to try to help. Josie is regretting her decision and she should have been there with her. Lizzie rallys the students and organizes several events, though given the two-hour short notice, Kaleb can't get a marketing campaign together. When Triad Industries take over the school, Lizzie hides in Alaric's office with Josie and Hope. She used to think that her brain was a weakness, but now believes that maybe all the issues she's struggled with are what allowed her to break the sire bond. Lizzie can't because she agrees with him. Family Members She's probably not the right person to ask and believes she should also stop pretending like she knows the answer all the time. Meanwhile another blue crystal witch summons the witches for afternoon enrichment. Getting nowhere with her questioning, she knows him well enough that he's mad at something. And not only that, if she does die and become a vampire from . Vampire Diaries + Legacies Crossover. He wants to do better, starting now. But Lizzie was right that an eternity of torment was slightly over-the-top. Despite their many differences, they slowly grew closer, especially after Hope returned from Malivore, as only Lizzie remembered who she was. However, she's keeping a close eye on her sister's whereabouts with a locator spell. He informs her that Josie skipped school and Hope has found her Gemini witch. After Ethan leaves, she uncloaks herself, learns that he's been playing superhero with a human. She has tickets for a monster truck event and doesn't want to go alone. Alaric raises his crossbow, telling the two to get to the tunnels and that he'll hold it off since he's not after him. In her professional opinion, if they screwed up, the decision would likely haunt them for the rest of their lives, but far less than not trying. The pukwudgie phases from one couple to the next before stopping in front of Lizzie and MG. He admired her skill at the forge, calling her work unparalleled. Lizzie screams as dark magic infects her and Josie steps through the circle, grabbing her sister's arm, sharing the pain and dark magic. Cleo is ejected from the Chambre de Chasse device as Lizzie and Josie enter the gym. As a result, Alaric dying and then coming back to life a few hours later became a running joke and plotline in the show. Lizzie promises that she's only asking for one shift and MG and Kaleb will get back with the first wave of returning students, then they can take over. It also forces her to take a protective role over Hope, who Lizzie still views as the root of all her issues. MG was right. Kaleb, however, is doing research, particularly searching comics for ideas. Lizzie reaches for his gun, determined to go with him, but he rejects her, believing her soft and that they would eat her alive. A wolf breaks the tree line, snarling. She thought Hope was going to kill Aurora, not torture her. In Do All Malivore Monsters Provide This Level of Emotional Insight?, Lizzie and the others sit and discuss recent events. Lizzie's love interest on . When Sebastian finishes changing her car tire, he takes off his shirt. Josie tells her they can't go through with this spell because they're not murderers. Alaric and Caroline later subdue Kai and, with Bonnie and her guidance, she and Josie create a new prison world, locking him away, ensuring their safety. Cleo finds and embraces Kaleb in a hug. While she cares deeply for her sister and father and would do anything for them, she is incapable of seeing things from their perspective. Jed, MG, Hope, Lizzie, Kaleb, and Cleo stand in victory as the clouds dissipate. Hope refuses to give an answer, just that she's working on it. Hope, however, already knows what she must do. At the gymnasium as she knocks against a punching bag, Penelope comes to see her, Lizzie ask why she hates her so much, Penelope tells her that it has nothing to do with her, but about how she treats Josie, pointing out to everything her sister does for her and that in return Lizzie does nothing. Follow/Fav Klaroline Family Drabbles. As werewolves approach the two, Lizzie casts a barrier spell preventing their advancement. She agrees that his plan was right. After Lizzie's biological mother (Jo Laughlin) was killed by her murderous twin brother, the Gemini Coven placed Lizzie's fetus into Caroline. They are currently girlfriend and boyfriend and also good friends and allies in defending their boarding school together (with their other friends). Lizzie returns to Professor Vardemus' office. He believes if everybody is going to bail on him when it matters most, then he has to bail before it gets to that point again. She's a blacksmith and an artist. Lizzie denies this, nearly slipping that it was actually because of all the monsters plaguing the school. Hope explains that once Aurora is dead, she will make her promise to not to kill her and then send her on her way; she'll be free-ish. Likewise, the same thing is true with Lizzie. Though she's promised her dad that she would help her and be her supernatural fact-checker. They are unsuccessful in this prospect, however. They'll summon the monster when he returns. Her dad, Alaric (Matthew Davis), is in a coma and currently trapped in the limbo of Purgatory; her sister, Josie (Kaylee Bryant), left the Salvatore School (and the show), and Lizzie herself turned into a vampire during her quest to kill Hope (Danielle Rose Russell). Rafael shortly runs into Lizzie crying and attempts to excuse himself, but she stops him by apologizing that she had no idea Josie would vote 'no' to keep Landon at the school. He is a former recurring character of first half of Season One, Season Four and Season Five. Exiting the room and collapsing to the floor, Josie approaches her. After the Green Knight is defeated, and Nimue returns to the lake, Lizzie talks with MG about how the day went. Jen explains that she lied. However, as they watchover Landon, they learn that the gremlin is moving away from the school using a locator spell and it's molted skin. Are Lizzie and Josie witches? MG has another idea, though it's risky. Lizzie apologies to Aurora, still on fire from a bit of sunlight. He admits that he was trying to steal it, but they both know that Hope will never quit until she gets what she wants and he doesn't want to see her, or anyone else, get hurt. It's the night she and her sister were born on March 15. Josie demands for her to stop saying that. Like The Vampire Diaries 's Caroline, Lizzie is one of few Legacies character who has the potential to become a better person after she was turned into a vampire. She and MG travel to a Prison World with the idea of finding something that would convince Josie to remain at the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted. Back in her bedroom, she tries to calm down, Josie tries to console her and offers the idea to withdraw from the honor council so that they take the second elected but she already had this idea and answers that this is not possible because it wasn't the second either. Played by Lizzie questions who will be bait, but MG doesn't respond. Hair color Now in astral form in the prison world, they begin their search. Lizzie would like to talk about the Merge more instead of it being a big, unspoken thing and Alaric accepts. At the carnival, they have fun playing games eventually win a goldfish, though find that it's dead. She's between a rock and a hard place and believes that everyone is going to think the "sire bond" is just an excuse because they have no idea how intense it can be since none of them have ever had one. Panda promise. In a motel room, she and Hope imprison Aurora in enchanted chains. Alisha has a Master of Arts in English from the University of Dallas and spent her years before jumping into entertainment journalism as an adjunct professor, a background that has come in handy in her editing roles. Their time begins to dwindle, as the hallway begins to dim and darken. Lizzie is confronted by Kaleb, a hired gun. Lizzie stops her and siphons off her wounds, allowing her to heal. They just heard them. Hope chimes in, telling her that they both made some really stupid and self-destructive choices and, instead of apologizing, she wants people to understand and excuse her. In her memories, they learn of Finch's suppressed memory of her ailing grandfather. She also tells her that the stake embedded in her hand is her weakness, Nature's loophole, and she gets to decide whether she lives or dies. Deep down, Lizzie meant every word she said and still believes that there is still some good in her. Ethan falls over onto the floor. Hope admits it's a good plan, but they're afraid of how she acts to get Landon. Lizzie doesn't want to face anyone, but Alaric tells her that the lack of communication is half the reason they're in this mess and that's no longer an option. However, their moment is interrupted by Cleo, crying. Wade also comforts Pedro with a heartfelt hug. Hope's plan was dangerous and vows that it is the last time she does anything for her. In I Wouldn't Be Standing Here If It Weren't For You, Alaric brings her breakfast in bed, though she's hiding from the world and her problems. They continue with the memory, and find Alaric and young Hope in his office. MG arrives late, but considering his actions, Hope neglected to inform him of the meeting. Delivering her eulogy, she is mocked by the audience who laugh at her, causing her to storm off. She enlists Hope's help, in return, Lizzie offers Hope Emma Tig's prism; a prism capable of manifesting one's subconscious. Alaric's mind is made up and he leaves. She wasn't ready to face the world alone. Finch offers to let them siphon from her, as much as they need, despite the risks. It's her uncle Ric, and he assumes that his brother never told her about him. Step one is complete and they move on to number two. They are at first unaware of the meaning of the statement, but eventually realize they have been placed into a game when the two die crossing the road, but are resurrected. He wonders if the school has a field and proposes they head outside. She believed if he was absorbed by Malivore it could all stop. Lizzie wants to try another approach, though Hope is already thinking of something to do. In fears of facing the same fate, Lizzie fleas the Salvatore School. Josie's been feeling that way for a while now . Lizzie comforts MG, embracing him in a hug. However, as the tour begins, most of the prospective students leave, even with the arrival of MG, Kaleb, Jed, and Wade. Alaric leaves and wants them to reconvene in the library, though she and Josie remain behind to support Hope. It's at the moment when they start to dance that Rafael arrives and apologizes for his delay, she forgives him and continues the dance with him. Thanks to Caroline, Lizzie has her silver lining and a fresh, new perspective. Josie Saltzman (1st time)Hope Mikaelson (2nd time) To get the information she wants from Aurora, Hope decides to torture her and commands Lizzie to remove her daylight ring. Dying a day early won't make a difference, plus they'll be saving a life, too. She reprimands Hope for bringing her sister into this magical business. They both know that she won't stop until she gets the ascendant, so she's forced to make a decision; she's going to give her the ascendant if it means saving her. He gives her two pistols, each with special bullets capable of killing Hope. However, now with the ascendant destroyed, the monsters may be back after Landon. She tries to comfort her and learns that her sister is missing, that someone took her. . Lizzie opens a small door, revealing her face. He gives her a bit of advice, that if she keeps searching for someone to fill this void, she'll end up putting her happiness in other people's hands. Her humanity is off and she doesn't want them around. Lizzie leaves MG and enters the school. They replay his last memory of his confrontation against Hope, learning she's the one who's attacked him and left him in a coma. Night has fallen in the simulation. Siphoners are rare witches who are born without the ability to create magic of their own; instead, they pull magic from other sources. In There's Always a Loophole, Lizzie and Josie are still mad at each other over what happened previously at the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant. As with all magic, Lizzie becoming a Heretic is a loophole and one that changed her Legacies character arc forever. Lizzie assumes it's playing dead, but MG points out that he's not playing. It's a defense mechanism, and believes that her dark side is just that. She's the only person on the planet that she would betray anyone for, especially him. She thought she knew what the right thing was, but she always talked to her dad about it. Inside the therapy box, Lizzie meets Josie. Does Lizzie become a vampire? She was going to go find them but didn't feel like stressing about it. Once you have one, nothing's going to be the same. Confronting Josie, Lizzie prepares to Merge and when MG tells her to siphon him for extra power, she kisses him much to his surprise. In one of her drawers, she finds a vial from Triad Industries. Ultimately, Jen accepts their offerings. Alaric wants to flee back east, never wanting this life for her. Lizzie reassures him it's all hogwash, because he moved to this town to enlighten uncivilized people and questions what really happened. She lies to Josie and explains that Finch is seeing someone else and it's serious, opting that this will help keep her away from magic and the supernatural. If Lizzie can't control her emotions, then she has no shot at controlling her powers. Lizzie didn't just become a heretic, she killed herself to do it." Klaus tensed at the reminder. She notices the poster on the far wall with Vindicta and says it aloud. While distracted, Lizzie breaks Hope's neck. She's going after Hope alone, but she needs someone willing to protect the school and finish the job should she fail. This is their pattern and he doesn't want that dynamic anymore. They're not using magic, the leprechaun is and they can save their school in the process. Lizzie doesn't understand why he wants to apologize. Lizzie confronts her father who's sitting in a jail cell. With Hope down, he turns his attention to Lizzie. Later, Lizzie comes to join MG to watch over Hope with tea and sodas. Throughout Legacies Series Season Two Season Three Season Four In This Year Will Be Different, Ethan bumps into Hope while she is trying to track down a new creature that escaped from Malivore. Lizzie reveals that she used the blood of whatever vampire donated their blood to the school's first-aid kits. However, Lizzie still loves her parents and yearns for their attention and approval. That night, she tells Lizzie that the prison world, they learn of Finch 's suppressed of! Explains that she used the blood of whatever vampire donated their blood to the world forgive him much... Be the same age their school in the library, though badly wounded, emerges from prison. Standby and watch over Hope, Lizzie becoming a Heretic is a loophole and one that her. Easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar currently pregnant with the destroyed! Point to thinking about the future them to reconvene in the library, badly! 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