The Presiding Officer first talks; he first thanks the crowd, distinguished guests, former CO, ongoing and off going Commanders and the team who got arrived at 0600 to set up the venue.The off-going Commander, who should be the most thankful person in the room for his successful command tour then steps up and takes the pulpit. 1Lt. Our resolve is firm; help us to craft for you a future far, far different than the history you have known. CPT Fraser, youll be leading the best. A lousy speech during the change of command ceremony would stand out like a sore thumb. We have had our acknowledged heroes and, let us not forget, our unsung heroes as well. His command has been during a crucial time. Still, that answer should not be translated to its all about you. In reality, your activity as the incoming commander during the ceremony should be minimal and precise. may not be reprinted or redistributed without attribution to Today one of the leading units in training excellence is saying goodbye to their commander, outgoing commander's name, and welcoming a new leader, incoming commander's name. When you look at unit names accomplishments over the last few years, its apparent that outgoing commander's name and his/her team have contributed vastly to installation name and our team. It is one that we have discharged with the utmost honour. single. The Guide to Military Commanders Philosophies + 24 Examples, The Change Of Command Speech A twist on the thank everyone I know Speech, Terms & Conditions + Government purchase Notes. If we hadnt we would still be using cannon guns today. outgoing commander and family leaves quick to allow new commander to begin assimilation with organization No need to come up with something creative or novel to say at the ceremony; youll need that energy throughout your command tour. (30 seconds - 1 minute), Talk about how much you've enjoyed your time in this position. This is fundamental, but makes it so much easier when you read the instructions. In between those bouts lie small but essential periods of achievement. His leadership and determination have been instrumental in all that's been achieved and in providing clarity to this mission. They mention the incoming officer. LTC Camarano, thank you for your remarks, and COL Van Zandt, thank you for your presence at this event. Currently in the National Guard, and employed as a civilian somewhere To the troopers of IFOR, I salute your accomplishments. The people that I wanted to amuse laughed, so I considered it a small victory. All materials on this page are under the copyright of By keeping your message simple and to the point, you will be able to enjoy your ceremony with minimal stress as you step into day one as Commander. They end by reiterating your belief . Marge and I are delighted to rejoin the STRATCOM family and we look forward to all we will accomplish together. Youve worked hard, and you came out ahead. Title/s of honoured guest/s, fellow officers, comrades. Vince Millers change of command speech: Good morning everyone. No situation of conflict or readiness can be viewed in isolation. The views and opinions presented herein are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or its Components. They speak of what you have learnt and of shared experiences. Required fields are marked *. However, the unit will be gaining a truly great leader in incoming commander's name. Despite a reduction in numbers, SFOR has continued to ensure compliance with the military provisions of the peace agreement and to support the civil reconstruction of this country. The ceremony itself is heavily dictated by custom and courtesies, including those official portions that are well defined through the local Protocol office and the unofficial portions that are the discretion of the Presiding Officer, the outgoing Commander, and you as the incoming Commander. What the future holds I cannot tell But one thing I do know for sure Is that your heads youll still hold high Serving at home or on tour. animatespeed: "fast", //speed of animation: integer in milliseconds (ie: 200), or keywords "fast", "normal", or "slow" I am in no doubt that we have satisfied our honour and that of our regiment. }) SFOR has faithfully executed its mandate. I know more than most what wonderful soldiers you are. With it go many friendships of those united under the same banner. The off-going Commander, who should be the most thankful person in the room for his successful command tour then steps up and takes the pulpit. Our mission was to perform a relief in place of two headquarters and ensure compliance with the military annex of the Dayton Peace Accord. or (First to Fight!) Its one of those things that every says. Thank you for weighing-in, great advice! General Crouch has significantly improved the synchronization of civil-military cooperation. Have a copy of your bio and official photo ready to send to them for more. When I gave up my command I chose to keep mine short and focused on the troops. is not an Official site and all opinions are the authors own. A dark horse is the horse in the race that nobody even expects to show. Welcome General Officers and equivalent Sergeants Major by name. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . For twenty-two months you all have stood behind me, and I am proud to see you standing in front of me one last time. Sieze the moment; don't let it slip away. Sound familiar? [CDATA[ Perhaps one of the reasons for our success as an armed force is because we have accepted that need for change. How Often Should You Blog? If you have certain accomplishments you want highlighted or certain things you DON'T want highlighted, find out who is introducing you and tell them (or their aide if it is a superior commander), what you'd like said. We are here to honor him and to salute all that he has accomplished with SFOR in the name of peace. LTC Cook, who taught me that, if you look far enough ahead, you can achieve incredible things, and also manage to dot every i and cross every. The colors have traditionally been at the forefront of the formation, signifying the stability and unity of an organization. Please do not let it pass. Your successor, General Shinseki, will carry on the work and, like you, will face a number of challenges in completing the SFOR mission. The professionals of United States Strategic Command are simply outstanding. If you have a Military Change of Command speech, either oncoming or off going, that you would like to share with the DODReads audience please drop us a line and let us know. Thank the soldiers along the chain of command and your family. (1-2 minutes), Say how great the new commander is going to be. To decide how long to speak, figure out if you are the only guest speaker, where the ceremony will take place and whether there will be a formation. (1-2 minutes), Whether it's true or not, say how much you loved working there and how great your team was and how much you will miss working with them every day. And youve seen us do it wrong, and remembered to never do it that way again. So for twenty-two months, I have watched this company. //